Ancestors Family Tree
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Discover your ancestors.
Help your children and grandchildren learn about the ancestors whose lives helped make them who they are today. Ancestors become real when their names are seen on census, manifest and military records, and their faces are seen in treasured family photos.

Ancestors Family Tree offers FREE group sessions to provide family tree guidance to Central Iowa Senior independent living residents.  Learn how to assemble family photos, information and documents to provide a valuable and priceless book to share with your family. 

We are eager to help you discover more about your family history and help you share that history with your family.

A family tree album makes a perfect gift that is personal and unique. Your old family photos and stories combined with family tree information will make your album a perfect family keepsake.

FREE initial consultation!

Explore your family tree and  
share with your family
FREE initial consultation

Gift Cards for only $100
Give the gift of Family for only $100 for   4 hours of research and documentation. The research will be conducted as soon as the Information Sheet is filled in and returned.
Included: computer entry of information 
- Computer research and documentation
- Family tree chart - Descendant Report

All information will be emailed to you.

We accept Venmo.

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